Spring Cleaning Can Extend the Life of Your Home

spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition here in America…a way to bond with the family while improving one’s surroundings. You may be surprised to know however that spring cleaning can do more for your home than leave it smelling fresh – it can actually extend the life of your house if you do it properly!

Start With Hard-to-Reach Places: Spring cleaning is about more than dusting and vacuuming; it’s about getting those dust bunnies and cobwebs that have a tendency to form behind the furnace and in the crawl space. Remove all air filters and give a thorough cleaning and check the attic and basement particularly well for signs of mold, dirt or leaks. If you find standing water anywhere you didn’t expect it, hire a reputable local plumber like Pell Plumbing to assess the issue right away before your puddle becomes a plumbing nightmare.

Remove the Fire Hazards: It’s a great idea to clean behind the washer and dryer, not only because it can smell kind of…mildewy back there, but also because lost socks and excessive lint buildup can be a real fire hazard. Hot water heaters are also commonly known to be great fire-starters so remove any debris that’s piled up in the storage area and check your fireplace, too. After winter, you may need to hire a professional chimney sweep to clean out the ash – your fireplace will look like new, and you’ll have more peace of mind.

Get the Baseboards: It’s the tiniest things that degrade your home over time. Dusty baseboards can lead to moldy drywall and uncleaned windows can get rusty as the air-seal breaks down. Spring cleaning is a great time to take on all the tasks that are otherwise overlooked…your house will feel cleaner than after a normal spot-scrub and you’ll be adding years to your home without even realizing it.

Don’t Neglect the Yard: Perhaps the most crucial place to focus on during spring cleaning is the outside of your home. It’s the first defense your house has against the elements and therefore the first to go, too. Clogged gutters can eventually lead to indoor leaks so get the ladder out and ensure they’re flowing and have a professional come in if you see any signs of bug infestation. Termites and ants are some of the biggest predators to the life of your home but can be easily remedied. Don’t forget to remove weeds around the foundation of the home (and the driveway, too) as the roots will eventually make their way through the concrete. Last but not least, check the roof in its entirety for weak spots or leaks you didn’t know you had after a long winter.

Sure, it’s nice to break out the mop bucket and polish the hardwood floors but spring cleaning is about so much more. It’s a time to assess the weaknesses in your home and have them addressed before they become major problems – a yearly onceover does your home and your peace of mind a world of good.

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